Sunday, February 14, 2010

before taking off to reality

Was almost flung awakened from my slumber at the stroke of 730am.....and reality had to set in. It is the 2nd day of CNY; which effectively translates to the offical closure of my holiday. Yup, don't have to question holiday ended on the 2nd unlike the lucky ones which might stretch into the week. I was demanded to be more humane in my treatment of English for this entry and I hoped this entry is more readable ; albeit returning to my real world from dreamland. The day started meaningfully with Susan Boyle 2009 Episode 1 of BGT. The people cant stopped laughing, snarling and hurling sketical expressions on Susan the moment she stepped onto that stage. Even the judges' expressions sing in cajole with that of the audience. Honestly, if i were her, i might not even swallowed enough guts to walk up that stage...but she did. That alone certainly deserves our applauses. And we all knew that once she opened her mouth to sing, all the negativities were immediately transformed to awes, eye-opening , jaw-breaking expressions. Judgemental is the call of the day. Aren't we all have been professing that in our lives? We judge a book by its cover, as though the stone would never reach the bottom of the pond to ripple its might. For Susan, she is blessed enough to prove otherwise. For many others, such golden opportunities are a luxury. If you should look at the video, the level of cynicism scorned upon her obviously had repeated itself enough for her to head directly for the backstage for fear of an imminent rejection. The judges had to stop her from leaving. If only she had just walked out, that would be another dismal but sininster end - something i supposed is common for her. Why had we evolved to pass judegements onto people based on superficial elements like age, size , or even facial disposition? I thought being 10 billion years of homo sapien speciation as well as 5000 years of civilisation should be more than enough for us to learn that beauty really doesn't lie skin deep. It appears that we are backtracking as far as cynism is concerned. One practises it, and the others follow suite with no questions or reasons to. I felt an overwhelming sense of adrenaline rush when Simon pronounced "Susan Boyle, you can go back to your villages with your heads held high, it is three yeses". I shall take that into my work from today onwards. No sinister remarks to be passed unless it is to serve as a wake up call for the less-motivated(s). No stampeding of another acquaintance for the sake of gaining recognition with our associates. I am sure that shall carry me much further, propelling me into another surge in my career. And more importantly, made me a much better person. :) Wish me luck and help me steer my wheels into my route to less cynicism.........

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